If you don't look after your customers, someone else will.

Customer Service Training Programs that increase your income by training you and your staff to create a culture that is customer focused. Bought to you by the National Caravan Industry Training College

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Your customers or clients have one thing more than ever before, and that is CHOICE!

Everyone is looking to have a competitive edge over their competition in business these days.

For some, they think that if they beat their competitors' price, they will be more competitive. For others, they feel that they need different products or services than what their competitors have.

The issue with both of those theories is that it becomes a constant battle. Your STAFF need to be your competitive edge.

In today's world, there has never been a more important time to ensure all your staff have the proper training with regards to servicing your customers. Gone are the days where you can just "hope" that they will just do a satisfactory job.

Your customers or clients deserve amazing and consistent experiences, which requires all staff to understand how together they all play a role.

Want more sales?

Whilst many companies invest into expensive marketing campaigns to drive more traffic into their stores and to their businesses, without having the staff correctly and deliberately trained in the area of customer service, customer experience and customer engagement , it is a total waste of that marketing spend.

This is where training and retraining in the area of customer service is more important than ever before.

Correct staff training has proven to lead to greater sales per customer. It will also help you to regain those customers you may have lost to other "online" outlets due to them having a poor experience with your staff.

That is why the National Caravan Industry Training College is offering this training program to its members to ensure the Caravan industry is known for outstanding customer experiences throughout all of its members.

This program will assist you in creating a baseline for your staff.

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The Caravan Industry Victoria has been the voice of Victoria's caravan and camping industry since 1952.

Supported by Caravan Industry Victoria, NCITC will be the centre of excellence for Caravan Industry Training needs including Leadership, Management and Customer Service which includes a wide range of professional development programs all aimed at assisting the industry be better at what it does.

How the Program Works

Inside The Membership 1 (3)

Full Program

All aspects of customer service procedures and processes are covered in this 5 module course.  The course is specifically designed for each staff member to undertake the program with their own login and at their own pace. This then creates the best results with your entire team. Each module has a download and a video.

You as the owner / manager also can log in to see your team's progress, and can be notified when each module has been completed so you can assess each staff member in real time, see if there are any red flags or issues, then address them with each staff member.

#1: Who Am I?

A "Customer Service Personality Test" that each staff member completes. This will not only show them their natural customer service style, but will also show you, the owner / manager, whether each staff member is in the right position for the outcomes your customers / clients expect.


#2: Who is My Customer?

This module is all about understanding the needs of the customer today. Unless your staff understand what customers are looking for, how can they meet those needs?


#3: Back to Basics

This module is all about foundations. This is a great module for anyone dealing with customers over the phone or face to face. If staff don't understand the basics, how can we as business owners / manager build upon that? Your customers / clients have expectations. This module is to get your staff to know how they can meet those expectations, especially from understanding the basic needs of a customer / client.

#4: It's All About Communication

If we don't correctly and effectively communicate with our customers, they will find other options. This is a great module to get your staff to understand and appreciate the ART of communication. There is also a communication test for each participant to complete which will show you their strengths and weaknesses in this area.


#5: Exceeding Expectations

There are 6 non-negotiables that customers / clients are looking for. Unless we know what they are, how can we meet their needs? Your staff will love this module as they can apply each of the 6 in everyday situations. This is all about showing your staff where they need to take deliberate action... every day.


Full Program


"Thank you, Justin and Customer Culture for working with and training our staff. Your content was absolutely perfect for them, and even we the management learnt new things and great new ways to re-engage with our clients. The way you explained and educated us as to what the customer is wanting these days was brilliant and insightful. We have never seen an immediate impact before from other trainings until today. The staff have already implemented many principles that you shared, and it is having an instant impact on our bottom line."

Brad Argaet, Call Centre Operations Manager, Nexgen Group


"Building the right approach for customer service from the top down has been a fundamental part of the growth of Sentrient. We were looking for a company to train us that gets it from a customer point of view and that could work at all levels in our business to guide us on our journey towards customer excellence. That's why we chose Customer Culture. We've found Justin's direction and the detailed facilitator guides for ongoing coaching and support has helped us develop a customer service program that promotes honest and open conversation with our customers and a sense of urgency that keeps our staff motivated and our customers happy. A shout out from us at Sentrient and thank you to Customer Culture, Justin and his team for their ongoing support and knowledge!"

Gavin Altus, Managing Director, Sentrient

Our whole team is prepared to engage in excellent customer service...

"Since implementing your strategies into our leadership team we have a clear understanding of our team's current customer service style personalities. You have supported our team to introduce discussions and activate our ideal customer service strategy. We now realise that customer service is a group effort and our whole team is prepared to engage in excellent customer service across all areas of our business.  You've armed us with information that is real, current and future focussed and we are so appreciative of the positivity you've created around customer service and all that it represents for businesses in today's market."

Amanda, Star Express Cleaning & Property Services


"On behalf of Mercedes Car Group and the Dealer network, thank you for your inspiring words at our Dealer Conference. I have fielded so many calls from the Dealer network stating how motivating and educational your content was, and also your ability to connect with each and every one of us. I will definitely be recommending companies engage your services. Thank you again."

John Vasilj, NSW General Manager, Mercedes Car Group


"Thank you for such a significant contribution at the Roche Conference. You said it as you see it which made the audience sit up and take notice. From the moment we met you at the brief until the end of the conference, your professionalism and energy were well noted. Your insights to customer service, buying behaviour and customers wants and needs was what our team needed to hear and understand. We would be more than happy to recommend you to any company wanting to train their staff better in the areas of customer service and customer behaviour."

Judith Love, Marketing Manager, Roche

Michael Van Lathum, Product Manager, Roche

Our business grew by 40% in 6 months after your training with our staff..

"Hi Justin, I just had to send you my deepest thanks for what you have done in my business. 
As you know I started my business from scratch in 2014. After 3 years in operation, while the business was making money, the growth had stalled. With rising costs, I needed more money. I tried a number of things to increase revenue, but nothing seemed to work. I decided we need to go back to basics and set the right foundations for my staff to follow.  I discovered your Customers First program which at a glance made sense to me. 
You came to my business, and immediately gave me some fresh ideas, and strategies to go to the next level. 
You pointed out the "roadblocks", as you call them, as to why we had made it difficult for our customers to do business with us. 

The time you spent training my staff to give my customers a better experience was worth it just in the first session.  Your dynamic, practical, and direct approach made my team take a sense of ownership, and treat my business like it was their business. In just 6 months, with your help, my revenue grew by 40%. It blew my mind, and the best part is, we've stayed strong and consistent. I cannot recommend your Customer Culture Program enough (and I have). 
Thanks for making my staff now see things from the customers perspective. 
Jason Bouman
Jump Zone Revolution

Designed to take the hard work out of training your staff in the areas of Customer Service

It has been predicted that within the next 2 years, customer engagement and experience will overtake price and product as the key brand and buying distinguisher. Those companies who take control over how their customers and clients will experience their business, will be the ones at the forefront of growth.

There is no such thing as a bad investment when you are investing into your staff to create your customers experiences and outcomes. Gone are the days where a business can just rely on their staff to just "be ok" when it comes to customer service.

This program is full of resources and tools that have been proven over many years and creates a BASELINE within the staff and the Customer Service offering of your business.

Your staff are your greatest asset and if they are not trained properly, you could be losing money to your competitors.

This program isn't based on theory. This is based upon proven methods and procedures that have been implemented into hundreds of businesses.